
Affordable. Walkable. Resilient.

Shawn Danino is a Proven Leader in Housing and Community Development.

Shawn Danino for

Oakland City Council

  • Housing

    Shawn’s zero displacement housing program will ensure that residents will have the option to stay in place, all while expanding housing opportunities and building intergenerational wealth for themselves and their loved ones.

  • Transportation

    Shawn will prioritize right-sizing our infrastructure to be human-scale and safe for Oaklanders in the short and long term. He will help the City redesign its streets to move us efficiently and affordably by protecting residents in wheelchairs, on bicycles, and on foot.

  • Small Business and Economic Development

    In addition to bringing back the neighborhood market, Shawn is able to connect issues of housing, transportation, and economic development in ways that will ensure Oakland is prosperous and the wealth that we create is equitably shared.