Housing is a Building Block..

Housing is a Cornerstone..

Housing is a Human Right...

Oakland should welcome everyone.

Oakland has a beautiful, storied history of welcoming refugees and immigrants from all over the world. And living our values means making sure people can afford to live here in a way that is financially sustainable. 

The best version of Oakland is diverse in all its respects: it is deeply mixed income, with the wealth we create being shared equitably among people. The policy ideas I outline will pride themselves in welcoming people from all backgrounds, because that is Oakland’s best version of itself.

Mixed Income is Always a Good Thing.

I will be the first candidate to offer a zero displacement housing growth strategy, because I care deeply about Oakland being a City where everyone can thrive. 

In addition, using a tenant preference, I will seek to use housing as a reparative justice tool, welcoming formerly displaced Oakland residents back to our City.

We Need Evidence-Based Policies, not Vibes-Based Policies.

Working to reduce income and wealth inequality and pursue policies that make the cost of living more livable, particularly in areas with high disinvestment. There are measurable, proven ways we can do that. 

I want to help raise our savings rate; there are clear ways to do that. For example, the requirement to own cars is very expensive, approximate $28 a day on average. Offering more alternatives to driving means more money in our pockets.